If you are at a point in your life where you are struggling to keep up with your financial obligations, it may be time to think about filing a bankruptcy. After all, debt can easily spiral out of control especially when it comes to credit cards and high interest rates. If you are behind on your mortgage due to bills that you cannot afford to pay, set up an appointment with a bankruptcy lawyer in Waukesha WI.
Even if you aren’t quite sure whether or not a bankruptcy is the right choice, you can always meet with your lawyer for free information. He will explain the process of bankruptcy to you and he will talk with you about the type of debt that you have. You may be surprised to learn that you may not have to leave your home just because you are behind on your payment. Before you allow your home to go into foreclosure, get on the phone with a Bankruptcy Lawyer.
If you do decide to file a bankruptcy, your bankruptcy lawyer in Waukesha WI will contact your creditors and let them know of your decision. This way, your creditors will discontinue contact with you. If you have been receiving phone calls from your creditors, you know that this can be very discouraging. They are threatening to take you to court for money that you don’t have. Maybe they have even garnished your wages. All of this is going to come to an end when you hire a bankruptcy attorney.
If you are behind on your car payment, you may be worried that your car is going to be repossessed. Don’t worry about this just yet. However, you do need to act quickly before the bank comes to get your car. You may be able to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is a bankruptcy where you will reaffirm your debt. Your creditors will still get their money. However, they will have to agree to settle for less than what you legally owe. This can be a very confusing process and this is why you need a bankruptcy lawyer to assist you.
Areas Served: Brookfield, Pewaukee, Waukesha, New Berlin, Muskego, Menomonee Falls, West Milwaukee and Milwaukee and more
Horizons Law Group, LLC
Phone: (262) 432-3600
Email: askinfo@horizonslaw.com
Address: 611 N. Barker Rd., Suite 209, Brookfield, WI 53045