

Family Law Mediation - Divorce, Custody, Guardianship or Probate

Mediation is an effective way to address your disputes from start to finish and save money. You do not have to be amicable to try mediation. It simply avoids prolonged litigation and the cost and emotional drain while still having the legal guidance from an experienced family law attorney. The mediator/attorney acts as a neutral party, to help parties understand the process, what the court expects, and assist in reaching a negotiated agreement on any or all disputed issues. This include a divorce, as well as property and asset/debt division, child support, maintenance /spousal support, or child related matters such as placement, custody and health insurance or for parties who are not married but need to work though custody, support, or guardianship.

Probate matters often involve family disputes from handling a decedent's assets to questions on distributions and settling personal property disputes. The court process is long, costly, and in the end, the court will also require you to try to resolve the dispute. So why not start the process that way and be guided by the mediator through the necessary components from start to finish.

Choosing how to address your dispute is almost as important as the dispute itself. You will also be more satisfied with the outcome as you had a voice in the discussions from start to finish.

Mediation is a viable alternative as difficult discussions occur in the "safe zone" of each mediation session, typically 3-5 sessions. We also offer a flat fee mediation package which includes all mediation sessions with an attorney and assistance completing and filing the required court forms.
Call today to explore your mediation options 262-432-3600.

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